Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information provided on this website, you should not assume that it is 100% correct. Use what you find as a starting point for your own research, and verify all your sources. If you find any errors, please contact me and provide me with the source of the correct information. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this site.

(?) Mitchell
( - b 1768)
Archelaus Mitchell
(a 1754 - a 1821)
John Ross
(a 1695 - a 1759)
Mourning Ross
(a 1737 - a 1797)
Sarah (?)
(s 1705 - a 1772)
Samuel B. Mitchell
(1785 - a 1845)
Samuel Burks Jr.
( - a 1753)
Samuel Burks III
(b 1743 - a 1784)
Milley Burks
(a 1763 - b 1796)
Elizabeth (?)
( - a 1803)
Powhatan L. Mitchell
(a 1813 - a 1865)
James Bias
(a 1725 - a 1784)
Roland Bias
(bt 1760 - 1767 - a 1837)
Elizabeth (?)
(a 1735 - )
Nancy Bias
(a 1788 - a 1822)
Nancy (?)
( - b 1804)
Bowling L. Mitchell
(1844 - 1926)
Angeline Watkins
(a 1826 - )
Nancy (?)
(a 1790 - )
Jesse Reynolds
(a 1753 - 1836)
Charles B. Reynolds
(a 1780 - 1862)
Charles Bright Sr.
(1728 - 1816)
Mary Bright
(1760 - a 1841)
Jemima (?)
(1731 - 1793)
Benjamin Palmore
(b 1748 - a 1825)
Nancy Palmore
(a 1778 - b 1850)
Legrand F. C. Reynolds
(a 1825 - 1887)
Elizabeth Rhodes
(a 1805 - )
Mary A. Reynolds
(1849 - 1925)
David D. Snider
(a 1780 - a 1854)
Catherine Minnick
(a 1790 - a 1870)
Wealthy E. Mitchell
(1899 - 1972)
Charles B. Reynolds
(a 1780 - 1862)
Edward J. Reynolds
(a 1821 - a 1900)
Nancy Palmore
(a 1778 - b 1850)
Jesse J. Reynolds
(1850 - 1930)
Ann E. Sterling
(a 1825 - b 1900)
Willie B. Reynolds
(1877 - a 1906)
John Glass
(a 1794 - 1860)
Thomas W. Glass
(a 1823 - a 1865)
Thomas Wilcox
(b 1765 - a 1813)
Susan F. Wilcox
(a 1796 - 1879)
Winifred Caffery
(b 1765 - a 1828)
Victoria E. Glass
(1858 - 1922)
Charles B. Reynolds
(a 1780 - 1862)
Benjamin P. Reynolds
(a 1806 - a 1857)
Nancy Palmore
(a 1778 - b 1850)
Sarah A. E. Reynolds
(a 1828 - a 1897)
Henry Ogden
( - a 1838)
John Ogden
(a 1783 - a 1866)
Emily W. Ogden
(a 1808 - 1853)
Thomas Coppedge
(a 1752 - 1843)
Sarah Coppedge
(a 1783 - )