
Y-DNA Results from 37-Marker Test

I had the 37-marker Y chromosome (Y-DNA) test performed by Family Tree DNA. I followed this up with the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) test to try and get a better classification of my haplogroup.

My haplogroup is as


This corresponds to test results of

L150+ U198- U106- P312- L51- L48- L325- L257- L217- L210 L2- L193- L1-

In human genetics, Haplogroup R1b is the most frequently occurring Y-chromosome haplogroup in Western Europe, parts of central Eurasia, and in parts of sub-Saharan Central Africa. R1b is also present at lower frequencies throughout Eastern Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, and parts of South Asia and North Africa. Due to European emigration it also reaches high frequencies in the Americas and Australia. Western Europe is dominated by the R1b1a2 (R-M269) branch of R1b. It is believed to have expanded throughout Europe as humans re-colonized after the last glacial perioed ended approximately 10-12 thousand years ago. The following figure shows the distribution of R1b across Europe.

R1b Distribution in Europe
Approximate distribution of Haplogroup R1b in Europe (Wikipedia)

Being a member of haplogroup R1b distribution does support the belief based on the records that the Dishman ancestors come from Western Europe, but the field of genetic genealogy is still evolving and it is difficult to draw specific conclusions about the Dishman origins.

Les Protestants de Fresnes

Les Protestants des FresnesLes Protestants de Fresnes is a new book by Jacky Delafontenelle concerning the genealogy and history of many of the early Protestant families in the Fresnes (Orne) region of France.  The book is over 600 pages with more than 100 photographs and illustrations, and is written in French.  The book is available directly from the author at

The author is a descendant of Isaac Duchemin, half-brother of my ancestor Samuel Duchemin, both of whom immigrated to Virginia before 1693. Jacky knew that Samuel and Isaac had left France, but did not know where they had gone. I had evidence that Samuel and Isaac probably came from France, but did have any information about their origin. I found a website of Jacky’s several years ago that mentioned the name Isaac Duchemin and we began corresponding. The connection between Samuel and Isaac of Virginia with Samuel and Isaac Duchemin of France was established as a result of this correspondence.

The book includes a chapter on the Duchemin family and the Dishman Family of Virginia, and provides a lot of detail about the French origins of the Dishman family.

Atlanta Family History Expo 2010

Atlanta-2010-ButtonOn Saturday I attended the Atlanta Family History Expo 2010 at the Gwinnett Center. This was the first genealogy event I had ever attended so I didn’t know what to expect. The Expo consists of various classes about genealogy and a small group of exhibitors primarily representing the major sponsors ( and Reviewing the program online it seemed like most of the classes were obvious subjects suitable for beginners (“Vital Records Overview”), specific subjects for a narrow audience (“German Ancestors”, or product demonstrations (“Getting the Most from Family Tree Maker”). I decided to attend anyway to see if there might be something useful to me.

I attended four different classes and learned something I did not know in three of them. The first was from FamilyTreeDNA where the speaker reviewed the traditional DNA tests (Y-DNA and mtDNA) that traced the paternal or maternal lines only, then introduced autosomal DNA testing that looks at the other 22 chromosomes. This test seems most useful for identifying potential ancestors 3 to 5 generations back. While not a test that I think is helpful to my research, it was useful to know it exists.

The second class was essentially the story of a guy that took it upon himself to digitize the records of a county courthouse using digital cameras and a homemade rig. He was trying to spread the word that volunteers could do this across the country, but I see issues with quality and scaling. I would rather see someone like Google take on this project and bring quality and uniformity to the process. I did not learn anything in this class.

The third class concerned state and local censuses and their substitutes. While I knew about state censuses, this class gave me a better perspective of what was available. The speaker also described how large companies used offshore labor (Bangladesh) to do the indexing at low cost resulting in errors due to non-native English speakers. He encouraged everyone to search multiple indexes for the same reference to ensure someone isn’t overlooked. Very useful tip.

The last class was a spur of the moment choice that turned out to be the best of the day. The speaker described online library resources and methodologies for finding them. She also provided a link to a very useful (and free) genealogy resource toolbar for the browser (see the Relatively Curious site).

A CD was provided that included handouts from all of the classes offered. Many of them are very useful and contain the meat of the class without having to attend the lecture.

FamilyRoots Publishing was one of the exhibitors and I purchased several books I hope will be useful additions to my library: Reading Early American Handwriting by Kip Sperry, The Genealogist’s Guide to Researching Tax Records by Carol Cooke Darrow and Susan Winchester, and What Did They Mean By That? by Paul Drake. The last one is a dictionary of historical and genealogical terms that I really could have used when I tried to understand the inventory of Samuel Dishman’s (Duchemin) estate.

Overall I’m glad I attended and will do it again when the opportunity permits.