Westmoreland County, Virginia, Records and Inventories No. 10, 1815-1820, pp. 65-66
Transcribed by W. K. Dishman 7 Sep 2020
Account of the sales of the Estate of James McDaniel Decd on a credit of six months to carry Int from the date if not punctualy paid vize
Mary McDaniel admrx
[list of livestock and household goods totalling $109.42]
Joshua Rainey
[list of tools totalling $20.50]
Thomas Johnston
[list of tools totalling $17.25]
Armstrong McKinney
[list of tools totalling $1.40]
Alexander Berryman
[list of tools totalling $1.55]
Daniel Carmichael
[list of tools totalling $20.85]
John Steward
[list of tools totalling $2.07]
William W. Smith
[list of tools totalling $1.00]
I certify that the forgoing amount of sales was kept by me is just & true as stated.
[signed] Daniel Carmichael
At a court of Quarterly Sessions held for Westmoreland County the 27th day of May 1816
The aforegoing account Sales of the estate of James McDaniel decd. returned & ordered to be recorded
Jos Fox CWC